• Available Services
  • Canchas
  • Total Attendees
  • Service Extras
  • Fecha y horario
  • Custom Fields
  • Available Agents
  • Tu Información
  • Verifica tu turno
  • When would you like to pay?
  • How much would you like to pay now?
  • Select payment method
  • Select payment processor
  • Enter your payment information
  • Te esperamos!!

Service Selection

Please select a service for which you want to schedule an appointment

Service Selection

Please select a service for which you want to schedule an appointment

¿Cuánto tiempo vas a jugar?

Por favor, selecciona el tiempo que te gustaría alquilar la cancha

Selecciona la cancha

En caso de no haber disponibilidad, vuelve y elige otra

Total Attendees

Please select how many people are coming

Service Extras Selection

Please select service extras for your appointment

Selecciona día y horario

Por favor, elige el día y horario en el que quieres jugar

Custom Fields

Please answer this set of questions to proceed.

Agent Selection

Please select an agent that will be providing you a service

Ingresa tus datos

En caso de ya tener cuenta, presiona la opción de "Ya tienes una cuenta?" e inicia sesión

Detalles del turno

Revisa que el turno que estás solicitando sea el correcto

Payment Time Selection

Please choose when you would like to pay for your appointment

Payment Portion Selection

Please select how much you would like to pay now

Payment Method Selection

Please select a payment method you would like to make a payment with

Payment Processor Selection

Please select a payment processor you want to process the payment with

Make a Payment

Please enter your payment information so we can process the payment

Turno Confirmado

El turno ha sido confirmado. En caso de desear cancelarlo, ingresa a tu área de turnos o contacta al club


Escribe a 2616791294

Available Services

Available Services
Total Attendees
Service Extras
Fecha y horario
Custom Fields
Available Agents
Tu Información
Verifica tu turno
When would you like to pay?
How much would you like to pay now?
Select payment method
Select payment processor
Enter your payment information
Te esperamos!!
X3 PREMIER PADEL Alquiler cancha de padel $12,000 Se Inicia A Partir De
x3 Premier Padel
Agregar Más
Agregar más elementos a esta orden
  • Available Services
  • Canchas
  • Total Attendees
  • Service Extras
  • Fecha y horario
  • Custom Fields
  • Available Agents
  • Tu Información
  • Verifica tu turno
  • When would you like to pay?
  • How much would you like to pay now?
  • Select payment method
  • Select payment processor
  • Enter your payment information
  • Te esperamos!!

Service Selection

Please select a service for which you want to schedule an appointment

Service Selection

Please select a service for which you want to schedule an appointment

¿Cuánto tiempo vas a jugar?

Por favor, selecciona el tiempo que te gustaría alquilar la cancha

Selecciona la cancha

En caso de no haber disponibilidad, vuelve y elige otra

Total Attendees

Please select how many people are coming

Service Extras Selection

Please select service extras for your appointment

Selecciona día y horario

Por favor, elige el día y horario en el que quieres jugar

Custom Fields

Please answer this set of questions to proceed.

Agent Selection

Please select an agent that will be providing you a service

Ingresa tus datos

En caso de ya tener cuenta, presiona la opción de "Ya tienes una cuenta?" e inicia sesión

Detalles del turno

Revisa que el turno que estás solicitando sea el correcto

Payment Time Selection

Please choose when you would like to pay for your appointment

Payment Portion Selection

Please select how much you would like to pay now

Payment Method Selection

Please select a payment method you would like to make a payment with

Payment Processor Selection

Please select a payment processor you want to process the payment with

Make a Payment

Please enter your payment information so we can process the payment

Turno Confirmado

El turno ha sido confirmado. En caso de desear cancelarlo, ingresa a tu área de turnos o contacta al club


Escribe a 2616791294

Available Services

Available Services
Total Attendees
Service Extras
Fecha y horario
Custom Fields
Available Agents
Tu Información
Verifica tu turno
When would you like to pay?
How much would you like to pay now?
Select payment method
Select payment processor
Enter your payment information
Te esperamos!!
X3 PREMIER PADEL Alquiler cancha de padel $12,000 Se Inicia A Partir De
x3 Premier Padel
En el carrito
x3 Premier Padel
Agregar Más
Agregar más elementos a esta orden



$5.000 off